Hardwood Loppet

2025 Hardwood Loppet
p/b Fischer/Swix
Hardwood Ski and Bike, Oro Medonte, Ontario
March 1, 2025

Entry will be processed via Zone4.ca ENTER HERE
Online Registration closes Friday Feb 28th at 5 pm.

Hardwood Ski and Bike is one of Ontario’s premier full-service cross country ski facilities, with 40 km of meticulously groomed ski trails. Since 2009, Hardwood Ski and Bike has been recognized as the best cross country ski and mountain bike destination in Eastern Canada by the readers of Get Out There magazine.


Saturday March 1
7:30 am – Bib/Chip Pick-up and Chalet Open
8:00 am – Trails Open
9:15 am – 30km Loppet Classic Race
9:20 am – 15km Loppet Classic Race
9:40 am – 30km Loppet Skate Race
9:45 am – 15km Loppet Skate Race
9:50 am – 15km Loppet Non-Competitive

12:30 pm – 5km Youth Skate race
12:32 pm – 5km Youth Classic race

12:40 pm – 2.7km Youth Skate race
12:42 pm – 2.7km Youth Classic race
12:45 pm- 500m Youth Classic race
1:00 pm – Hardwood Loppet Awards and Draw Prizes
1:30 pm – Youth Race Awards and Draw Prizes

Hardwood Loppet course is a 15km loop skiers will complete one or two laps for the 15km/30km distances.
There are Drink Stations at the mid-way point along the course and the lap lane for 30 km skiers. There is also a drink station at the Finish.
All Races are Mass Start by distance and technique as shown in schedule above.
See here for 2025 Hardwood Loppet map
See here for Youth Races maps

FLUORO FREE Hardwood Loppet
In accordance with the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS) and Nordiq Canada (NC) rules, the Hardwood Loppet is now a FLUORO FREE event. As such, the usage of fluorinated glide and kick waxes is completely banned.
These new rules are in line with the Hardwood Ski and Bike’s flouro free policy and guidelines regarding the protection of our environment and the health and safety risks associated with the use of fluorinated products.
See Fluoro Free wax guide from Swix here

Results will be posted live on www.zone4.ca
15km/30km Podium Finishers (Top 3) will be awarded scraper medals.
5km/2.5km/500m Youth Podium Finishers (Top 3) will be awarded special cookies.
Plenty of Draw prizes courtesy of Fischer/Swix will be given out randomly at the awards ceremony.
Hardwood Loppet age groups are: 19 yrs & under, 20-34 yrs, 35-49 yrs, 50-64 yrs, 65+ yrs
Youth 5km/2.7km/500m age groups are: 5-7 yrs, 8-9 yrs, 10-11 yrs, 12-14 yrs

A light lunch of Soup/Chili with bun is included with entry for 15/30km Hardwood Loppet skiers. This will be available from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Youth racers will receive a coupon for a hotdog, and also can enjoy marshmallows by the fire.

Hardwood trails are still open to the public. Please be courteous to day skiers. This is a FUN event. No Olympic Medals will be handed out here.
Race bibs and timing chips must be returned at the finish line. There will be Bib collectors assisting with this. There will be a $80 charge for any unreturned bibs or chips.
There is a 90-minute cut-off for 30km racers to complete their first lap.

Main Parking is in the upper parking lot. Lower lot parking is reserved for members (enforced on weekends).
The Chalet is open, with Washrooms, Bag storage, Grab and Go Food Service, Retail Store, Rentals, Service and more.
Delicious food and Drinks, including beer and wine, will be available at Trails End Café.
Waxing benches are located in the Swix Waxing Trailer, just adjacent to the Main Chalet.

The course is subject to change without notice, due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
Changes or cancellation due to weather or Acts of God will be announced as soon as possible. There is no Rain Date. Refunds will be issued, less zone4 fees and a $10 administration fee.

Hardwood Ski and Bike is only 1hr from Toronto Pearson International Airport.
Pearson offers numerous vehicle rental options.
The Barrie/Orillia area surrounding Hardwood offers over 3,000 room options, with various hotels, Bnb’s and Airbnb. There are many full kitchen and apartment type rental options.
See  https://www.orillialakecountry.ca/stay/ and https://www.tourismbarrie.com/where_to_sleep.aspx for options.

Medical support is provided by Hardwood Ski Patrol, including a full ski patrol medical room and supplies. Snow Patrol has access to 2 snowmobiles and medical tow sled.
Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie is 19 km from Hardwood, with ambulance response within 5 minutes.

Hardwood Ski and Bike Fluoro Free Wax Policy
Effective November 1, 2023, fluorinated ski waxes and other ski preparation products that contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances ((PFAS) or fluoros) are prohibited from use at Hardwood Ski and Bike. This ban extends to all skiers, to all activities and events and to all wax, ski prep and cleaning products containing any fluoro substance in any amount.
Wax and all other ski prep products containing a fluoro may not be applied or used at Hardwood. Skis with any fluoro wax products applied elsewhere may not be brought to Hardwood for use here.
Waxes and other products containing fluoros have significant negative health and environmental consequences. These substances have the potential to harm the individual, enter the food and water supply and remain in the environment for generations. Many compounds found in fluorinated waxes are banned or in process of being banned by government agencies and sport governing organizations including Nordiq Canada.
Many skiers already use only paraffin waxes (generally, the least expensive) that are not affected by this ban. For those who want to wax for better speed and better repelling of dirt and water, alternative products without fluoros are available. The Hardwood retail store can advise you and supply a range of alternatives.
Hardwood expects all skiers, coaches and other facility users to respect this ban. Non-compliance may result in suspension of member and pass privileges.

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